Sunday, January 14, 2024

A Typical Day Surfing Net Turf for Digital Doubloons

In today's digital age, a significant portion of my daily life revolves around various online platforms and applications. From staying informed with the latest news to finding inspiration for creative endeavors, digital media plays a central role in my routine. I invite you to navigate a typical day, exploring the sites and applications I frequent, my reactions to different forms of digital media, and how these platforms cater to my needs.

Most Visited Sites and Apps

Three of my most visited sites and apps are google search engine, YouTube and Spotify. I normally use the news feed of google for my quota of daily news. I use Spotify for music and audiobooks. I usually start my day by listening to my favorite music and end the day listening to audiobooks. Sometimes I am inspired by the newsfeed of google, YouTube feed and my playlist of Spotify. I become inspired to create designs, poetry and stories.

Reactions to Digital Media

Mostly, I have positive reactions when I use digital media. However, when I am interrupted by unnecessary information in the middle of my focused searches, I become irritated by such distractors.

Digital Media Satisfies Needs
Most of the time, I use either the google search engine or YouTube. I find the content generated by both to be informative and helpful. Whenever there are tasks, I am completely ignorant of, I find helpful information in YouTube on how to tackle such tasks. For instance, recently I was stymied on how to properly clean the grout of my titles for them to look brand new. Naturally, I googled “how to clean the grout of my tiles without harmful chemicals,” and I found a clear solution to my query—which worked! I normally, always find my needs to be met in the digital media I use. It is rather difficult to recall an instance when the digital media has failed me. That being said, don’t fail me now DM!

Email Interactions 
I receive emails from multiple companies, most of which I file in my spam folder. However, there are those that pique my interest. Emails which contain interesting topics, products and information normally catch my attention. Topics that are brief and yet interesting; products that will facilitate and enhance my life or the lives of my loved ones are some of the reasons I pay attention to such emails. There are some emails that contain information which is pertinent to my pet cat. I always keep an eye out for such information as I want to facilitate for my pet to have a healthy, happy and long life.

Observations on DM in Marketing
Today’s use of digital media marketing is tailored to individual preferences. For instance, my YouTube feed is very different to my friends’ and family members’ feeds. They all differ in terms of individual interests. I personally think that this feature has both positive and negative outcomes. It is positive in terms of product and service positioning that enable the consumer to consume, invest or purchase products that will enhance their lives. For instance, if a person is interested in healthy weight loss and searches of ways to accomplish their goals using search engines such as google or YouTube, their recommended feed would expose them to variety of weight loss products, services and affiliates of those as well. However, I also believe that such tailored feeds also limit a person from exploring information to which that person is not exposed or has no notion, thereby, limiting that person’s knowledge of the world events which might be crucial. Also, sometimes, even before I know what I am looking for, I get recommended information which makes me feel eerie because it makes me feel like the digital platform I am using know more about me than I would care for it to know. I view this as a violation of privacy.

As I navigate through the digital landscape each day, the sites and applications I visit become not just tools but important parts of my routine. Positive interactions shape my creativity, while occasional annoyances remind me of the ever-evolving nature of these platforms. From tailored marketing to personalized emails, the digital realm caters to individual preferences, offering both convenience and, at times, raising concerns about privacy. In this interconnected world, my experiences with digital media continue to shape and enhance different aspects of my life, creating a dynamic and evolving relationship that mirrors the constant evolution of technology.