Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Metamerism examples in interior design

One example of metamerism I have personally encountered is the impact of lighting on wall paint color. I am sure many of you have picked a wall paint color in a store based on the samples, and when you actually paint your wall at home, the color appears warmer.

This is due to the different light sources used in the store and at home. Fluorescent lighting is usually used at the hardware stores, causing the color samples to have a cooler tint. On the other hand, the lighting we have at home is usually sunlight or incandescent lights, so the paint color will look warmer.

Another example of metamerism is the effect of finishing/texture on color. On glossy or polished surface, more light is reflected, creating the illusion of a cooler color. I have tried to apply a semi-glossy paint to a wall in a neutral muted grey color, and due to the reflective finish of the paint, the color actually appeared to be violet during daylight.


Rosa said...

Sorry, I just realized that I have forgot to press the published button on this post. Not sure if everyone else was able to see the draft I have posted on the site from last week?

Professor Vallera said...

Hi Rosa. Good observations. Lighting is a very important factor to metamerism. Make up is another thing that changes quite drastically under different light conditions. A red lipstick or pink rouge looks a lot duller under the fluorescent light of a bathroom than it does in sunlight or incandescent light....