Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Yellow Submarine

I had no idea this movie was inexistence until having to view it for this class. I am so glad though that I now know this movie exists, I wish I could have watched it with my brother. He was a huge Beatles fan. He would have loved the music, I however am more a fan of all the bright colors. The use of color almost makes me feel like I can feel the music tactilely. That may sound funny, but it gives the music another dimension that only well directed and produced music videos can.
For some reason all the crazy colors remind me of an Andy Warhol exhibit I saw at the Denver Art Museum. He was like the king of Pop Art which uses bright colors and certainly isn't subtle and neither is this movie. All the colors with different shapes and dinosaurs and machines eating people gives life to the musical art. I don't know if I would recommend this movie for my nephews and niece today, but surely am disappointed I wasn't able to share the imagery gold with my brother.

1 comment:

Professor Vallera said...

Hi Brittany,

So glad to hear this movie was new to you! IT is a great one to know about. The design and technique is a little dated, but is still loaded with innovation.

The mix of media, form, pattern and texture is important to take note of. This film pushed the boundaries of animation and print....