Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Laurie Fleming

I am a part-time AAS Fashion Design Student.  I used to be really computer savvy.  Now with the day and age of social networking is sooooo vast.  I feel like a little guppie in really big pond.  I have never blogged in my life. So bare with me.  Im sure Ill get it eventually.
I live here in Brooklyn, NY.  I have been in NYC for 11 years.  By way of California, by way of Ohio.  I am very adventurous.  I moved here knowing no one.  I am a single mother of two, a 17 y/o and a 4 y/o.  That little one she is the star of the show.  Everyday with her is that "adventure" she is a "diva".
My interests a vast.  I love fashion.  I would love to own my own business someday. Catering to private clientele.  And later down the line expand to a more commercial arena.  My muse is my daughter.  I would love to  later dibble in children clothing and accessories.  I want to travel the world.  I realized that I love to cook.  I love trying new foods from other countries.  I love to entertain.
Here is an art project that she did in preschool.  I thought it was so beautiful. I almost by passed it thinking it was something really interesting until I realized this is pretty intricate for a 4 year old.
          In truth its actually: An inkblot pattern similar to those used in the Rorschach inkblot test, a test used in psychology to determine underlying personality structure.


tracie said...

Hi Laurie. Definitely continue
to strive to have your own business. When it works, it
can't be beat.
Good luck with the class.

Lola said...

Hi Laurie -- we have many things in common. I have two daughters 15 and 11 and my youngest is a dive too. There is something about the baby of the family. I also love traveling and cooking.

I like your photo and yes it looks like the one used in tests, I was watching a movie last night, Moonshot, about the space program and coincidentally there is a scene where all astronauts are tested with a similar image.

Professor Vallera said...

HI Laurie,
Welcome to class! NO worries about the technical stuff. I am sure you will do fine. I love the picture your daughter made. Kids are a huge inspiration and you are fortunate to have two of your own! Former students of mine have done the projects for this class with their kids! and the kids often become color experts faster than their parents! I am happy to hear you love fashion. I think the hands on use of paint and drawing in this class will give you a chance to add to skills you are gaining in fashion studies.