Monday, August 27, 2012

Hello my name is...

Jacqueline Hastings.

This is a combination introduction post/show I know how to upload images. If, in fact, the above has successfully uploaded! I'm sure everyone will be reading loads of these intros over the next few days, so the most memorable thing about me is probably that I live in the Cayman Islands. I've been studying in the AAS Fashion Marketing Online program part-time since last Fall. During the day I work as an auditor of hedge funds, which I think is, probably needless to say, a fair bet less scintillating than fashion. Before Cayman, I lived in Boston, and my undergrad is from Holy Cross, outside of Boston. 

Looking forward to learning more about color!


Professor Vallera said...

Hi Jacqueline,

Welcome to color theory! I look forward to seeing the colorful inspiration you find in the Caymen Islands! It's a lot different than Boston..that is for sure!

Lola said...

Great photo! Is that you jumping into the water?

Laurie said...

Oh this looks so much fun. I would love to do this.

tracie said...

Hey Jacqueline. Good to see you
and have a chance to interact
with you again in class.