Monday, September 17, 2012

Monica Ramirez - "Munsell's Color System"

I'm a very visual person, so while reading the text about "Munsell's Color System" I got quite confused. At first, I totally understood why he saw the necessity of inventing a system in which all the colors that we see could be classified. But then when they started to describe the color qualities and the operation of the globe, I got totally confused.  This was till I researched the system on the web and saw the tridimensional globes, after this all made sense. I really like how precise this system can be!

After having read our lecture note, I decided to research a bit more about this system to find out if it was still actual and in use. I was pleasently surprised to see that "modern day color theory and mathematical color system is based on Munsell's theory color". In fact, there is a company which has decided to continue its legacy. Take a look at this nice site to dip even more into this color world. I recommend their blog, which is very interactive and informative. 

The only question I have after this reading, is why this color system is so common in the US and in other countries like China but not in Europe? Here we only hear about Pantone and it's color System... Does someone know?


Julie ZL said...

Actually we hear about Pantone more than Munsell too. LOL

Monica Ramirez said...

As I had read in many articles about Munsell's Color system it was made clear that in the fashion industry this one was more common in the US and in China than in Europe. But if you say it is as unknown as here I believe you. Thanks for your nice response...

Professor Vallera said...

Great question Monica! We do refer to Pantone a lot in the design field in the U.S. The Munsell system actually is a much more fundamental resource that has informed the color industry (pantone included). It doen't come up in Design companies as frequently because it is not as commercialized as Pantone is...but still has a very important impact.

Glad to hear you are interested and researching on your own!